Thursday, 8 December 2011

Mari Mahr

Describe How Mari Mahr Makes Her Images

Mari Mahr Takes a picture of a certain background for a series on a Digital camera. She then finds objects she can use for her photography. After this she prints out her photograph of the backgrounnd and using a copystand she places the objects onto the background image and retakes the photograph, she then prints off her finished design.

List the objects which you are going to use.

My necklace as it is a funny shape and it looks quite nice so i will use it and base my photo on the theme star struck.

Explain what Your Mart Mahr Style Photograph is about.

My photo is going to be about the term Star struck, I will have someone looking the other way with the shy in the background and then i will place the necklace star in the sky as if it ias coming towards the person.

These were my outcomes in her style.

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